Divorce and Summer: A Great Time to March Forward

In Tennessee and across the United States, people tend to file for divorce during the summer. The warmer temperatures are not only about picnics and backyard barbecues. Divorce also looms large during the time of year when kids are on leave from school. According to psychologists and family law attorneys, summer is a good time to plan for divorce. Researchers recommend that couples make their divorce preparations several months before they file their legal paperwork.

Warm weather offers a good opportunity to spend time consulting with a divorce lawyer. It is also helpful to talk things over with a certified financial planner, especially when high assets are a big concern. Some couples do not even know how many credit cards or checking accounts they have or the amount of money that is in their accounts. Summer is an ideal time to go through financial documents pertaining to checking, saving, investment, and credit card accounts.

A few more practical guidelines when preparing for divorce include finding all legal documents, phone bills, utility bills, and financial statements. Divorce proceedings involve dividing accumulated assets, including the division of real estate and vehicles. Accordingly, it is a good idea to have a copy of the title to a home along with mortgage-related documents. Create a backup system consisting of supportive family members, acquaintances, and a divorce lawyer.

Although most people do not enter their marriages with divorce on their minds, being able to end a marriage offers a way to resolve the ongoing conflict. Real estate, assets and debt are important things to consider when filing for divorce. Child custody and child support issues form a large part of the legal picture. A couple headed for divorce may soon discover that the legal ramifications are overwhelming. Consequently, meeting with a family law attorney may reduce stress and anxiety.

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