Holiday Transitions after a Divorce

When Tennessee parents decide to divorce, the winter holidays can be an especially difficult time for all members of the family. This is particularly true when the divorce or separation is fresh as family members have had little chance to accustom themselves to the changes in family circumstances. Both parents and children may face emotional fallout during the holidays after a divorce, but parents can act to make the experience better for their children.

Both parents should be careful to put their children first during the holidays, especially soon after a divorce. Time with the kids during the holidays is not an occasion to spar with a former spouse. Instead, it can be an occasion to put aside issues between the adults in order to be generous to the kids. Parents can seek comfort from their friends or a therapist to allow them to vent their own emotions about the situation while protecting their children.

One of the best ways to help kids go through the post-divorce transition period is to make a clear schedule for the holidays. A schedule that lays out drop-off and pick-up times and the amount of time the children will have with each parent and side of the family can help kids understand what to expect and avoid unexpected surprises. In addition, having a clear conversation with the children can help to provide them with emotional support.

Parents who decide to divorce may be concerned about how the end of their marriage will affect their children. A family law attorney may help a divorcing parent deal with issues like child custody, visitation, child support and parenting time in a way that protects their rights and puts the interests of the children first.

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