The Basics of Driver Safety

Safety is something that not a few drivers in Tennessee make light of. Distraction is especially common. Drivers often, for example, call or text on their smartphones, or they engage in more basic activities that nonetheless take their attention from the road, including eating, drinking, adjusting the radio, using a navigator or talking with a passenger. Every day across the U.S., approximately 600,000 drivers use their phones at least once during their trip.

Drinking and driving is another form of negligence that drivers must avoid. If they go out to drink, they should have a designated driver. One should always watch out for friends, too, and prevent them from driving when intoxicated. Medications can impair driving as well, so drivers should be aware of their side effects.

Seat belts are essential. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates that these saved nearly 14,000 lives in 2015 alone. Concerns over seat belts trapping vehicle occupants or causing injury are exaggerated. It is also a myth that seat belts are only necessary for long trips and highway driving: most traffic crashes occur close to home and at low speeds. Drivers must also use child safety seats rather than have passengers hold the child in their lap.

There are many forms of negligence that can go into a motor vehicle accident. Sometimes, victims are not entirely free from blame since they may have contributed to their injuries by, for example, not wearing a seat belt. Accordingly, they might want to meet with an attorney to learn more about the state’s comparative negligence laws and how it might impact their chances for recovery.

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